Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Welcome to 'Engage Interact!'

A truly global group that describes their work thus: "Our core product is to facilitate strategic conversations, provide clarity, co-design systems and equip with tools, for people to do what needs to be done next, with passion and integrity. Hence, we provide the following services and products. Naturally, each of them can be applied separately, but an integral approach with all elements present, will work towards the greatest impact and results."

Lots of information, articles, resources to explore. Take your time to browse and download.

Welcome to 'Engage Interact!'

Monday, May 22, 2006

Articles from the Website Integral Learning

Here is a link to two excellent articles at a Website called Integral Learning, run by a fellow named Mike Kitson.

1. "What is Management Development?" PDF - Kitson, M. (2002). A 28-page article that defines the parameters of management development.

2. "Navigational Skills for Turbulent Times" PDF - Kitson, M. (2002). A 12-page article. Abstract: "The article explores the purpose and effectiveness of management training and development in the context of a postmodern culture marked by turbulence and flux. It proposes that current organisational training and development practices may not fully equip managers for the world of the 21st century – a world replete with unprecedented complexity and uncertainty and shows how an integral approach to training and development may be used as an underpinning philosophy to better enable MTD to help its clients."

Articles from the Website Integral Learning

Welcome Note

Welcome to the Career Project site, "Alternative Perspectives for Career Development," courtesy of Blogger.